![]() |
1. |
Field mechanisation and factory performance- Part-I Field Operations |
A G de Beer and B S Purchase |
2. |
Development of a tropical production system for green cane |
J H Cock & J S Torres |
Colombia |
3. |
A double shank subsoiler for sugar cane cultivation |
J S Torres, L F Villegas, J P Raigosa |
Colombia |
4. |
Issues to consider when implementing a mechanical harvesting system |
E Meyer |
South Africa |
5. |
Improving performance and utilisation to minimise machinery costs |
E Meyer |
South Africa |
6. |
Electronic data acquisition system to evaluate cane haulage |
D Pyneeandee, E Jacquin and J Gukhool |
7. |
Preparing for the Harvester |
J Freyou |
8. |
Development of a self-propelled two-row billet planter |
LH Huang |
9. |
Mechanical planting of whole stalk sugarcane in the Louisiana Industry |
C Richard, W Jackson, H Waguespack Jr., D Landry |
10. |
Need for mechanisation of sugar cane cultivation in Karnataka State (India) |
K Perumal |
India |
1. |
The potential for legumes in sugar cane cropping systems in Australia |
A L Garside |
Australia |
2. |
Long term study of changes in the properties of a Fijian oxisol following sugar cane cultivation |
J Gawander & R J Morrisson |
Fiji. |
3. |
Management of chopper harvester-generated green cane trash blankets A new concern for Louisiana |
E P Richard |
4 |
Sugar Cane Irrigation : A Review |
G C Soopramanien |
Mauritius. |
5. |
Available N changes and N balance under multi ratooning of sugarcane varieties in a tropical vertosol |
B Sundara & BK Tripathi |
India |
6. |
Sugarcane ripening in South Africa - Review of past decade |
R A Donaldson |
South Africa |
7. |
Development and use of a new low dose herbicide for sugar cane in some Caribbean countries |
B Dasrat, R Burgess, D Bishundial, F Lopez , H de Beer |
Jamaica |
8. |
Soil compaction due to mechanized harvesting and loading |
LR Ng Cheong ,V Riviere, E Jacquin, C Soopramanien |
Mauritlus |
9. |
Gaseous nitrogen losses from soils under sugar cane in Mauritius |
KF Ng Kee Kwong , A Bholah , S Veerupen |
Mauritius |
10. |
Thiazopyr :A potential pre-emergence herbicide for sugar cane |
S Seeruttun, C Barbe, G Mc Intyre, A Gaungoc |
Mauritius |
11. |
Monitoring long term soil sustainability in the South African sugar industry using a nutrient information retrieval system (NIRS) |
J H Meyer |
South Africa |
12. |
Classification of the natural conditions in sugar cane crops for a region in Colombia |
Alberto Palma |
Colombia |
13. |
Sodicity induced yield losses and change in minerals concentration of sugar cane genotypes |
Dr. Y P Dang |
India |
BIOLOGY COMMISSION Molecular Biology Section
1. |
Advances in sugarcane molecular biology |
PH Moore |
2. |
Differentiation of the Mascarene and African serotype strains of Xanthomonas albineans from Mauritius by polymerase chain reaction |
Jaufeerally-Fakim, Dookum, Autrey, Daniels |
Mauritius |
3. |
Analysis of carbon partitioning to identify metabolic steps limiting sucrose accumulation |
F.C Botha and D.J Vorster |
South Africa |
4. |
Genetic mapping of favorable traits in sugarcane cultivars |
A D'Hont, L. Grivet, J-Y. Hoarau, F. Pauiet, C Asnaghi, C. Kane, N. Jannoo, K. Alix, B. Offmann, J. C. Girard, L.M. Raboln, J. C Glaszmann |
France |
5. |
Regulation of transgene expression in sugarcane |
S. Hansom, R. Bower, L. Zhang, B. Potler, A. Elliot, S. Basnayake, G. Corderio, D.M Hogarth, M. Cox, N. Berding , R. G. Birch |
Australia |
6. |
Evaluation of transgenic sugarcane plants engineered for resistance to mosaic and canegrubs |
G.R. Smith, PA. Joyce, K.A. Nutt, R.B. Mc Qualter, G.O. Taylor , P.G. Allsopp |
Australia |
1. |
Occurrence of Telenomus beneficiens var. Elongatus, and egg parasitoid of the sugarcane top borer in spring cane |
WY Cheng , S M Chen |
Taiwan |
2. |
Seasonal fluctuation of white sugarcane aphid. Ceratovacuna lanigera Zenth. (Aphididae) in south Sulawasi |
H Suhartawan , D Samoedi |
Indonesia |
3. |
Success of Cotesia Flavipes (Cameron) for biological control of moth borers in Thailand |
W Suasa-Ard , K Charernsom |
Thailand |
4. |
Integrated control of the leafhopper Arboridia sp. on sugarcane |
A S Patil , S K Dorge |
India |
5. |
Effect of common red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum Herbst. (Tenebrionidae : Coleoptera) on the life cycle of the rice moth Corcyra cephalonica stainton. (Galleriidae: lepidoptera) |
K Vidya Nagalakshml & S Balaji |
India |
6. |
1,8- cineol - A potent fungitoxicant and insect repellant against sugarcane pests |
G P Rao, Maneesha Singh, Atul Singh , R.G. Singh ,G.P. Slngh |
India |
Pathology Section
1. |
Yellow leaf syndrome and alleged pathogens : casual, not casual relationship |
Sizuo Matsuoka |
Brazil |
2. |
Elimination of sugarcane yellow leaf virus from sugarcane by meristem culture |
C Delage, M Rippoles, M Chatenet, M Irey, P Rott |
France |
3. |
Sugarcane bacilliform virus : symptoms, detection and distribution in world germplasm collection at Cannanore |
R Viswanathan, M Balamuralikrishnan, M N Premachandran , B K Tripathi |
India |
4. |
The incidence and effects of ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane in southern and central Africa |
R A Bailey, S A McFarlane |
South Africa |
5. |
Sugarcane yellow leaf virus in Florida : Incidence and Resistance |
JC Comstock, JD Miller, PYP Tai, JE Fouls |
6. |
Symptomatology, aetiology, detection and distribution of the luteovirus associated with yellow leaf syndrome of sugarcane in Mauritius |
J F V Moutia, S Saumtally |
Mauritius |
7. |
Embryogenic callus culture for Fiji disease virus elimination in sugarcane |
M E. Wagih , S W Adkins |
Australia |
8. |
Pathogen - free seed cane production and its impact on a commercial scale |
J I Victoria, ML Guzman, F Garcea , A D Jaramillo |
Colombia |
9. |
First outbreak of sugarcane smut in Australia |
Dr. B Egan |
Australia |
10. |
Association of Phytoplasmas with yellow leaf syndrome of sugarcane |
P Cronje |
South Africa |
Breeding Section
1. |
Efficiency of regional selection in a sugarcane breeding program |
Y.S Chang |
Taiwan |
2. |
Genetic diversity among a group of sugarcane varieties and ifs relationship to family performance |
M.T. Cornide, J.E. Sanchez, H. Leonard, G. Galvez, E. Canales, J. Mesa |
Cuba |
3. |
Inheritance of resistance to Downy Mildew disease in sugarcane |
V.5. Hsu , C.S. Lee |
Taiwan |
4. |
Traits for selecting elite sugarcane clones under water and salt stress conditions |
B. Ram , S. Kumar, B.K. Sahi, B.K. Tripathi |
India |
5. |
Discriminant function- an efficient technique for selection in sugarcane |
R.B. Doule and N Balasundaram |
India |
6. |
Mega environments for the Colombian sugar industry characterization and implications for varietal selection and crop management |
A. Amaya, J Torres, R Quintero, C Luna, C Moreno, A Palma, J Carbonell, E Cortes , H Ranjel |
Colombia |
7. |
Geneotype X Environment interaction - Efficiency and use of AMMI Matmodel in sugarcane |
H. M Srivastava, H G Geuch Jr., N Kulshreshtha , G.P. Misra |
India |
8. |
The application of cross prediction in sugarcane breeding in Mauritius |
G H Bababo, M J Kearsey, R Domaingue, M H R Jullen |
Mauritius |
9. |
Ratooning ability in sugarcane: Direct vs indirect selection based on clonal performance in younger crops |
P.D.N. Mirzawan, E. Sugiyarta |
Indonesia |
10. |
Planned recombination in sugarcane breeding: Artifical initiation of flowering in sugarcane in sub-tropical and tropical conditions |
K J Knuss , N. Berding |
South Africa
1. |
Chairman's report on ISSCT workshop - The influence of field mechanisation on factory performance. |
BS Purchase , AG de Beer. |
2. |
More gain by crushing clean cane |
A Sammee, MP Aktar , MA Qureshi |
Pakistan |
3. |
Plant material as natural flocculant in cane iuice clarification |
L Wong Sak Hoi, S Tse Chi Shum |
Mauritius |
4. |
Filtration of clarified cane juice using spiral polymeric membrane configuration |
M Saska, J McArdle, Eringis |
5. |
Sugarcane components that affect efficiency of membrane filtration : Identification and removal |
JR Vercellotti, MA Clarke , MA Godshall |
6. |
CHROM.SIM simulation software for modeling chromatographic separations for the sugar industry. |
M Saska ,V Bubnik |
7. |
An analytical survey of final molasses from cane producing countries |
P Sahadeo |
South Africa |
8. |
Use of new generation film type sulphur burner and plc based integrated clarification control system in a plantation white sugar factory |
JJ Bhagat, PP Chaturvedl, SC Kalia, P Agarwal |
India |
9. |
Colour balance in plantation white sugar processing |
VS Keskar , SS Nimbalkar |
India |
10. |
Application of ion exchange resins for sugar liquors decolourization |
LSM Bento |
Portugal |
11. |
Development of a new process to improve the color value of liquid sugar |
JP Yang , WF Lin |
Taiwan |
12. |
New official formulae for NIR polarimetry |
M Kucheida, J Keitel |
13. |
Contribution of kestoses (Fruco-oligosaccharides) to the morphological modification of sucrose crystals. |
G Vaccari, S Sgualdino, E Dosi, G Mantovanl , Aquilano |
Italy |
14. |
1S0-9002 certification at Daurala Sugar Works, Daurala. |
V Slngh, HK Moudgil, RK Jain |
India |
15. |
Comparison of the performance of vertical continuous (VKT) and batch pans for manufacturing massecuite |
NJ Gil, C OBrice, AL Vivas, AA Ramos , G Caicedo |
16. |
One design, three pans - A large flexibility of use. |
G Journet |
France |
17. |
A Review of continuous pan development in the Southern African Sugar Industry |
PW Rein , MP Msimanga |
South Africa |
18. |
Performance of continuous high grade fugals. |
R Broadfoot, KF Miller |
Australia |
19. |
Neural networks models of evaporation and crystallisation processes in the sugar industry |
M Benne, B Grondin-Perez, J-D Lan-Sun-Luk, J-P Chabriat |
Reunion |
Engineering & Energy Section
1. |
Experiences with "Two Roll" crushing mills computer modelling and evaluation |
E Oliveros, W Orrego, AL Gomez , JLO Ware |
2. |
Performance of a last mill with assist drive |
AL Vivas, F Figueroa, G Caicedo, AM Plata, L Echeverri , AL Gomez |
3. |
Modeling of sugarcane mill |
KR Patil |
India |
4. |
Optimisation of the cane juice extraction with an optimum use of the energy |
P Bonin |
France |
5. |
Pressure chuteless toothed roller feeding system |
RP Singh, JJ Bhagat, PK Malhotra , BS Dhavalikar |
India |
6. |
Low pressure extraction technology for juice extraction an Indian experience |
JJ Bhagat & JT Jadhav |
India |
7. |
Cane variety effects on milling performance |
V Mason |
Australia |
8. |
Optimising steam utilisation at a typical sugar factory |
KTKF KongWin Chang, AF ALU AH Wing, D Gunness, L Wong Sak Hoi |
Mauritius |
9. |
Technology transfer between beet and cane sugar industries |
P Avram-Waganoff |
Germany |
10. |
Gasification technology for large scale cogeneration in the Australian sugar industry. |
JA Joyce, PA Hobson, TF Dixon ,V Mason |
Australia |
11. |
Big/Tig a potential alternative for co-generation in the sugar industry - case study |
J Banerjee |
India |
12. |
Air pollution control in the sugar manufacturing industry |
ES Lora |
1. |
Production of fructooligosaccharides with b fructofuranosidase from sucrose |
J.P. Yang, J.S. Wang |
Taiwan |
2. |
Studies on the use of molasses |
W.F. Lin, J.R Yang |
Taiwan |
3. |
An overview of the Co-products industries in India |
PJ Manohar Rao |
India |
4. |
Continuous ethanol fermentation of cell recycling with floculating yeast |
C.Y. Chang |
Taiwan |
5. |
Methane emission from bagasse burning in sugar mills |
H.R Narang, D.K. Goel, K. Prabhat |
India |
6. |
Technological optimisation of dextransucrase enzyme production |
G. Michelena, A. Martinez, A. Bell, O. Almazan |
Cuba |
7. |
Manufacture of extra neutral alcohol directly from fermented molasses |
B.B. Paul |
India |
8. |
Cellulase production by mutant strain of Tricoderma reesei from bagasse |
J.S. Wang |
Taiwan |
9. |
Sucrose ester as plasticizer for biodegradable plastic (starch/polycaprolactone blend) |
K. Sriroth, R. Cholaku K. Piyachomkwan, Y.Tokiwa, C.G. Oates |
Thailand |
10. |
The Cuban sugar industry and the environment. |
E. Valdes, M.C. Obaya, 0. Almazan |
Cuba |